which thing is faster than light

Cosmic Inflation

In the beginning, our cosmos experienced exponential space expansion, known as ‘Inflation’. The cosmos stretched as gravity quadrupled its size at least 100 times, from a billionth of a photon to a grapefruit.

Cosmic Inflation

Space-time extended several times the speed of light for this to happen. No physical rules were violated since cosmic speed limit only refers to space-time changes, not their movement. However, cosmic expansion is making distant galaxies appear to recede at multiple times the speed of light.

Cherenkov Radiation

Cherenkov radiation slows light from a vacuum into a denser media like water or glass, like a sonic boom. High-energy particles traveling in the same direction move faster than light. 

Cherenkov Radiation

They generate a shock wave that blocks light. Cherenkov radiation is common at water-covered nuclear reactors. The radiation casts a ghostly blue glow around them.


‘Tachyon’ refers to all particles that move faster than light. The hypothetical idea was named in 1976. A particle that traveled faster than light would break all known physics rules. 


If such a particle existed, it could go backwards in time and never slow down below the speed of light. Though intriguing, these tachyons have never been detected.

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