With Aquarius, give good news first and then the bad news. Keep a glass of water handy, as they can easily panic.
Virgos get stressed easily, so it's best to use encouraging phrases like "let's try another way" or "we can fix this". Their burden may overwhelm you.
If you've upset a Scorpio, show genuine apology in words and actions. Their wrath is best avoided, so make sure to express remorse.
Approach Geminis gently. Create a sensitive atmosphere and slowly break the bad news. Not as direct as with a Taurus, but don't withhold important information.
Take a soft and direct approach with Capricorns. Let them know the bad news with less shocking words. They usually have a plan B and can take it in stride.
Aries prefers directness, beating around the bush is not appreciated. Just tell them bad news without hesitation or unnecessary details.
With Libras, be frank but also provide subtle consolation. They seek balance in everything and can panic if things become unbalanced.
Taurus prefers directness from acquaintances in their profession but kindness from close ones. Prepare them mentally for bad news before revealing it.
With Sagittarius, start by letting them know something is wrong and can't be undone. Then break the bad news, but provide comfort by assuring them you're there.
Virgos get stressed easily, so it's best to use encouraging phrases like "let's try another way" or "we can fix this". Their burden may overwhelm you.
Cancers are sensitive but can be difficult. Directness is necessary. If you stay, expect emotional outpouring. If not, you may feel guilty.
Approach Pisces like Cancerians. They may not react with words but their face will show their feelings. Offer practical reasoning or give them space.